Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Movie : Water Horse ~ The Legend of the deep

Plot :

A lonely boy discovers a mysterious egg that hatches a sea creature of Scottish legend.

"A true story...?"

My Review :

Finished watchng this movie by 10pm prepare to go to zzz..

Nice music , great scenery and a fantasy about Loss Ness sea monster..

Trailer :

Benson's new umbralla

Benson is Happy with his new mini-umbralla

Movie : I am Legend (By Will Smith)

Finally , manged to find time to complete watching this movie - "I am Legend"

This movie is okay but i don't think its good to watch togther with the kids.

"Light up the Darkness !"

"Is there anybody out there , please...You are not alone"

Movie storyline :

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible manmade virus. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in New York City. But he is not alone.


Heart Beat 100 (Scary)

Pass mid -night was watching "The Legend"...starting to feel tense as zoombie scence start to come into the play...during the scene while our legend hero (will Smith) was experiementing the lady zombie at his lab for cure ...suddenly the lady zoombie jump up !! At that same instant , my sleepy wife walk out of the room and tell me to sleep , not stay too late...WOW !! her eyes were sleppy, half open, half close, her hairs were messy ...really SCARED me !! lol

Morning as usual , bring Benson to school. Along the paveway at Yishun , there are rows of lamp posts but the circuit cover at the base is missing , exposing out those electrical wires ! Benson somemore wanted to touch it ..NO < NO !! DANGER , ok

On the way back home, suddenly saw something left outside the grass patch nearby a shop. Its a backpack but nobody was standing beside there...can it be a BOMB ??? swt" ~ quickly i run away from it as far as i could...

Along the way to MRT , saw a man with his pet dog ...cute white body dog with brown, black patches. Suddenly , we passedby a stray cat...the cat LOOK the SAME as the dog !! White body with brown/black patches ...long lost sibling ??? really make me sweat non-stop

I reach my neighbour and downstairs got a Malay uncle standing beside his parked motorcycle. I walked passed him and give him a smile...and in return , he smile least this is something not so scary to me anymore..haha...